Thursday, February 26, 2009

Neurostimulators or Fashion drugs: Worrisome Scenario

The neurostimulator materials have been known to mankind in the one form or the other, from the time immemorial. The alcohol in the form of wine has been known for ages. Now, synthetic chemicals are the core source of majority of drugs for various ailments. The stimulatory action of most of the drugs is being exploited by many to earn a quick buck. The scenario is worrisome the world over. The diversion of pharmaceutical products like ephedrine, pseudoephedrine and morphine for the production of amphetamine type stimulants (ATS)is a matter of grave concern and should be checked effectively by the governments of various countries. Pharmaceutical preparations like pethidine, codeine-based cough syrups, ephedrine and pseudoephedrine should be sold on the production of valid prescription only to avoid misuse as neurostimulators or fashion drugs. The Internet Pharmacies should be issued strict guidelines on narcotics. The manufacture of synthetic drugs like methamphetamine should be done in the government owned drug houses only. It is our duty to educate our siblings, children, students and friends, about the health hazards of narcotics. Effective policing and administrative measures at the National and International Level are the needs of the hour to check the smuggling of traditional narcotics like heroin. Avoid experimentation with fashion drugs for health and longevity.

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